ROI is the future of economy

Full-fledged real estate business on blockchain
Decentralized next level business corporation
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
ROI is a decentralised, next-level model of economy. We are using the best financial systems in the world (Real Estate and virtual Real Estate are at the core) and connecting them to the new, decentralized model of exchange value between people, with one simple goal – to completely change and dominate the entire economic spectrum for the benefit of the people!
Our Roadmap
Phase 2.
Phase 3.
-Auctions for holders of NFT Real Estate
-Launching official ROI Real Estate marketplace
-Release of ROI Real Estate rental and rent out opportunities
-Stacking launch
-ROI thematic exhibitions and events in physical galleries
in different regions
-Official ROI Merchandise
-Launch of functional ROI token
-Adding commercial Real Estate with NFT collections inside it to ROI Real Estate market
-Cooperation with physical European companies
-Cooperation with Dubai Crypto & WEB3 companies
-Community networking meetings on Yachts
Phase 1.
-5555 luxury NFT properties
-Release of WhitePaper
-Giveaways for our NFT holders
-Auctions for limited NFT Real Estate
-Collaborations with WEB3 companies
-Creating a real estate business ecosystem in WEB3
Phase 4.
-Cooperation with Dubai Real Estate companies
-Development of ROI MetaVerse
-Development of the ecosystem for MetaVerse Real Estate business
-Launch of the opportunity for the world's famous brands to promote through advertisement posters on the streets and in the houses of ROI MetaVerse
-Full establishment of the ROI ecosystem. Containing of ROI currency and token, ROI marketplace and the asset, (commercial and non-commercial Real Estate)
-Opening of ROI production in the real world
-Establishment of Virtual Real Estate agent career in the ROI ecosystem
-Launch of ROI investment fund
-ROI stock IPO
-Cooperation with the Swiss Bank system
-Launch of ROI credit card system
-Building physical ROI micro-districts
-Moving the project on government level
Phase 5.
Our Roadmap
Phase 2.
Phase 3.
-Auctions for holders of NFT Real Estate
-Launching official ROI Real Estate marketplace
-Release of ROI Real Estate rental and rent out opportunities
-Stacking launch
-ROI thematic exhibitions and events in physical galleries in different regions
-Official ROI Merchandise
-Launch of functional ROI token
-Adding commercial Real Estate with NFT collections inside it to ROI Real Estate market
-Cooperation with physical European companies
-Cooperation with Dubai Crypto & WEB3 companies
-Community networking meetings on Yachts
Phase 1.
-5555 luxury NFT properties
-Release of WhitePaper
-Giveaways for our NFT holders
-Auctions for limited NFT Real Estate
-Collaborations with WEB3 companies
-Creating a real estate business ecosystem in WEB3
Phase 4.
-Cooperation with Dubai Real Estate companies
-Development of ROI MetaVerse
-Development of the ecosystem for MetaVerse Real Estate business
-Launch of the opportunity for the world's famous brands to promote through advertisement posters on the streets and in the houses of ROI MetaVerse
-Full establishment of the ROI ecosystem. Containing of ROI currency and token, ROI marketplace and the asset, (commercial and non-commercial Real Estate)
-Opening of ROI production in the real world
-Establishment of Virtual Real Estate agent career in the ROI ecosystem
-Launch of ROI investment fund
-ROI stock IPO
-Cooperation with the Swiss Bank system
-Launch of ROI credit card system
-Building physical ROI micro-districts
-Moving the project on government level
Phase 5.
We will work closely with real estate companies, developers and agencies to take over the world because real estate has a very good financial structure.
Everything in the world has to develop gradually. We have already planted the seed and will add each of the points little by little, stabilizing it and minimizing the risks so that our corporation grows like a tree, always increasing exponentially.
That's not all we have. Each of the roadmap and mindmap steps has a place in our ecosystem, for these are the engines of our ecosystem
Investment Fund
On top of changing the world we want to give people conservative investment opportunities. We will open an investment fund, cooperating with banking systems. The fund will be dealing exclusively with our own Virtual Real Estate business, which will secure all aspects, because our business then has to work on legal level.
ROI Physical Real Estate
ROI is about significance and value, value that has never been seen on this planet. ROI will connect the Web3 world with the physical world in a way that no one has ever thought of. The moment our project grows to the necessary extent, ROI will become a real developer. Apartment houses, villas, luxury homes, these are all parts of the ROI plan. We are bringing it all to the point where the purchase of special NFTs tied to physical property can make you a true owner of that property.
Government Level
We will take over the economy, change it and create new era of wealth, bringing our corporation to the government level and changing the world. We will open our own schools, change the whole education system and open the biggest in the world charity funds.
NFT Collection
The ecosystem starts from the launch of 5555 NFT real estate objects, including mansions, villas and penthouses. By employing the blockchain technology our users will be able to exchange property rights and model full-fledged real estate business by trading, buying and selling ROI NFT properties, which gives an earning opportunity from the liquidity and property price increase due to constant ecosystem upgrading, modification and due to the amount of transactions increase. This will also stabilize business and active exchange model for our ecosystem.
We will be constantly providing opportunities to purchase the rarest and the best properties from our collection by hosting Real Estate auctions. Those properties will out stand with better locations, better location, better return on investment, higher price when they become properties in our metaverse. Part from these objects will contain models of the world celebrities' estates and properties in the world celebrities' neighborhood when we settle them in our establishments in the Metaverse.
Our marketplace will be represented by a fully functional and detailed model of Real Estate market in a form of a vast territory with different locations for ROI properties. The whole ROI Real Estate business model will take place on our marketplace, providing full transparency, decentralization and a variety of functions. Each property (Non-Commercial, Commercial, New Buildings) will be seen on the marketplace with full characteristics and ownership.
ROI Token
Our Ecosystem’s currency is the ROI token, which we will be developed in a stable-coin and attached to the UAE national currency. Later on the opportunity to purchase physical Real Estate worldwide, with the token as a payment method, will be created.
Commercial Real Estate and New Buildings
Commercial Real Estate are objects that will be gradually added to our marketplace, each will represent a business (car dealership, oil mine, private jet company, yacht dealership, museum of luxury paintings, gold mine, diamond mine etc.) Inside the commercial objects there will be separate NFT collections of their production, that will turn into objects in the ROI MetaVerse and contain multiple earning opportunities. Our marketplace will also provide an opportunity for businesses to promote their products or services in our marketplace, through commercial Real Estate. The complex file with detailed will be published closer to a date of the commercial Real Estate launch. Another part of our ecosystem is launch of New Buildings containing NFT collections of luxury apartments inside, they will have multiple earning opportunities, stacking, rent, and rent-out options and later on will transform into full-fledged apartments in our MetaVerse.
Every asset owned by our holders will become assets in the MetaVerse. , Fully detailed, scaled and functional. Our members will be able to create the exact model of real estate business in the MetaVerse and use every opportunity provided by ROI in an alternative reality. Never seen before in the physical real estate business opportunities will be opened for people and they will be able to make money on different levels, live in their properties, explore, walk around the landscapes, communicate with other members. Therefore, the main focus is on creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem and a business environment.
Tokenization refers to the process of real estate ownership division into tokens. Each investor will have an opportunity to become an owner of a part of some property (Off-plan, Villa, Mansion, Apartment etc.). It is an extremely smart and promising opportunity, as Tokenization of 'real' Real Estate is reducing the overall cost of investment and makes it easier for any investor to participate. Each community member of our network will have an ability to become an investor in tokenized properties launched by ROI.
Cooperation with Physical Real Estate Companies
Even though we are creating a new economy model by using the newest technologies, we are developing our ecosystem in the physical world as well and linking it to physical real estate. People will be able to sell, buy and trade physical real estate all around the world for ROI token.
Our official whitepaper will be published in July 2023. All of the information about development and details can be found in our upcoming whitepaper
Want to learn more about ROI?
More details about the marketplace can be found in the Ecosystem block
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